Bob Gotti Poems

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Just To Talk

At times I just like to talk with you, as again you walk me through,
Yet, another situation in this life, that brings with it pain and strife,
This Lord, while in my heart I kneel, about those things I truly feel,
About things in this heart of mine, some things I can't truly define.

Foundational Cracks

There's something fundamentally wrong, with today's political throng,
From our foundation they've moved away, to a place of moral decay,
Moving off the very foundation, that wade this land a Blessed Nation,
Dismissing the very God and Creator, Who is indeed, our only Savior.

Vibrant, Encouraging And Enduring

We as Christians, for God, can, be an influence on unsaved men,
Being a testimony for Jesus Christ, as we live out this earthly life;
We can live this life with vibrancy, in a way, which others can see,
When an active faith we do display, living around men day to day.

My Lord Alone

It is The Lord and Him alone, behind how much I have grown,
Just how I've grown spiritually, since meeting God at Calvary,
Saving me, so spiritually lost, while the Lord paid all the cost,
Saving me from my life of sin, to gain a new life all from Him.

Godly Unions

We have a command in this life; submit to the Lord, Jesus Christ,
For, to be controlled has its price, which for believers is sacrifice,
Being controlled by the Holy Spirit, in heeding Truth, as we hear it,
While we sacrifice our own desire, for a purpose, far much higher,

Changing Days And Ways

One chilly start to this day, waiting for the sun's first ray,
As God above sends forth, the sun for light and warmth,
The sun is the larger light, to break darkness of the night,
Ordered by the Creator God, for daily light upon this sod.

Discerning Signs

It is said, that a red sky at night, for sailors at sea is a delight,
As the following day will be, pleasant weather with a calm sea,
But a red sky in the morning, becomes for them a big warning,
That it'll be bad weather instead, for that morning sky was red.

Depending On God

Another journey half way through, again my Lord, I depend on you,
For you're my Lord, God and friend, so on you I shall fully depend,
As my times get dark and bleak, your direction and comfort I seek,
Your Love for me is my uptake, knowing my life you won't forsake.

God Not Men

As the plans of men go awry, I depend on Him, who reigns on high,
The Lord who rules over everyone, Jesus Christ, God's Eternal Son,
He, who holds this world together, this, as He reigns above forever,
Christ, who sustains all things, The Lord of lords and King of kings.

The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit

My wife was sanctified and set apart through The Spirit in her heart,
And from my wife's tender heart, to me words of Life she did impart.
Such is the work of The Holy Spirit, sent by God from the very start,
To go throughout the world around us changing every yielding heart.

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