Bob Gotti Poems

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The Righteous And The Unrighteous

The righteous and the unrighteous, God sends down rain on both of us.
And all men my friend, are but dust, and Christ alone is Righteousness.
Blessings are poured down from Him, on those who turn from their sin.
Why do the wicked seem to flourish, when God they don’t even cherish?

Right Christian Belief

The Christian Body, that's you and me, live in light of orthodoxy,
The right belief of Revelation, which creates a strong foundation,
Unchanging Truths in Scripture, give to us a foundational picture,
Of God's Truth that we live by, unchanging Truths, we can't deny.

Believer's Soil

Believers need to have good soil, this, so the enemy cannot foil,
Those plans, which God has for us, as we follow our Lord Jesus;
The soil, being believer's hearts, as The Word, The Spirit imparts,
Eternal Truths, of The Word of God, as we travel this earthly sod,

Eternity For All

Soon for all eternity will start, when from this life we depart,
From this world, as we know it, to a time that is eternally lit,
One with light from the Lord, who we never saw but adored,
And one in darkness lit by fire, for God, they had no desire.

God's Gospel Alone

When you add to God's Grace, you'll deny true saving faith,
The saving faith that we all need, as the Gospel we do heed,
As the Gospel Truth we believe, God's Salvation we receive,
Through the Grace of God alone, adding nothing of our own.

Unseeing Eyes

Why can't men with eyes see, the future ahead for you and me?
This country's near future at hand, within an ever darkening land,
In a land that avoids all light, supporting evil and wrong as right,
Being swayed by leaders who lie, a given fact, you cannot deny.

Temporally Deluded?

Are you clinging to this earth, or is your hope towards Heaven?
Have you experienced New Birth, or caught in religious leaven?
Is your hope in this world, or are you seated above with Christ?
In a time, to be soon unfurled, that begins an endless Paradise.

Evolving Lies

Things which are set, do not evolve, this, my friend, is my resolve,
Holding fast to The Lord God, Who, reigns above this earthly sod,
Trusting in God's Eternal Word, not just suggestions to be inferred,
But Truth from the mouth of The Lord, Truth that cannot be ignored.

But One Way

Do you survey each possibility, to reach Heaven for eternity?
There's many ways you can find, out of man's exalted mind,
Many teachers reach out to man, with another salvation plan,
Many say, every way my friend, will reach Heaven in the end.

Violence Fills The Earth

As the earth fills with violence, there seems to be much silence,
In the professing Body of Christ, regarding darkness in this life,
Of the things believers are told, the love of most will grow cold,
Has that coldness hindered us, form speaking for Christ Jesus?

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