Bob Gotti Poems

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God's Eternal City

Today's occupation of Jerusalem by others in Scripture is unfounded,
And the whole world will see this fact when that Trumpet is sounded.

When millions leave the earth, those left behind will be dumbfounded,

What's The Hurry Down Here

Everyone is in such a hurry seemingly with no time to think how fast,
People In such a rush to get nowhere in a time that won't even last.

This time is fleeting by so quickly and your fate has long been cast,

Such A Great Salvation

After 400 years in Egypt, God did not forget His promise to Abraham,
And He sent Moses back to lead Israel into the Blessed Promised Land.

God's awesome power through His miracles was apparent from the start,

He's More Than Just A God To Me

Christ is more than just a God to me; He's my Savior and my friend,
He formed me in my mother's womb, and is my Hope as I near the end.

He governs the entire universe but walks beside me every single day,

Good News

Beautiful are the feet of those who bring the Good News of Salvation,
The Good News is not just for the few, but for each and every nation.

The Good News is that Jesus died, was buried, and that He rose again,

Repent And Produce Fruit

John had preached repent and produce fruit for The Kingdom is near,
And although Israel had ears to listen, their hearts could not hear.
In light of Isaiah's fulfillment, in Israel it was abundantly clear,
Most men were steeped in religious tradition without any Godly fear.

Ultimate Power Is God My Friend

Despite all the power that men extol, a Sovereign God is in control.
And the power that they display can even change like night and day.
Even a king who guides a land, his heart my friend is in God’s hand.
God sets kings where they are and deposes them both near and far.

Only One Mediator

Friend, there is but one mediator, set between man and his Creator.
And it was the very Son of God, Jesus Christ, who received the nod.
Pray not to common folk like us, even if that be the mother of Jesus.
God’s chosen vessel, this is true, but still a sinner, like me and you.

Maybe Tomorrow

Maybe tomorrow and I will see, if I have time to ponder on Eternity.
For I have no time to contemplate, that is something that can wait.
I have many things to do today, and I have no time along the way.
Eternity is not important my friend, it’s a long time before the end.

The Future Of A Weed

The eternal future of every weed is truly a very bleak one indeed,
And even though they do not believe, they are truly a soul in need.

They are not planted by God and have no divine purpose at all,

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