Bob Gotti Poems

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Messiah Is Coming Back Again

Messiah is coming back again; please let me repeat the word again,
He came once as The Lamb of God to take away the sin of all men.

I boldly proclaim that He came although it's not politically correct,

Hope Christ Gives

Many may sorrow and may grieve, but, all those who truly believe,
Have a hope beyond this place, a hope provided by God’s Grace,
When at the passing of a soul, from the earth, they become whole,
And now in Heaven and at peace, in life with God that won’t cease.

Assured Through Christ

Thoughts on Heaven are never said, until a loved one here is dead,
And words are said, that aren’t true, said by friends and family too,
No mention of eternal death or life, and no mention of Jesus Christ,
But, since a loved one here has died, now up in Heaven they reside.

When You Die

When you die, where do you go? it is something that you can know,
Men everywhere frames of but dust, it all depends on who you trust,
There’s only One my dear friend, Who determines man’s eternal end,
And that’s The Lord, Jesus Christ, God, who gives man Eternal Life!

Hope For Now And Beyond

The hope we have for when we die, is the hope given to you and I,
To live each day upon this earth, as we experience a Second Birth,
When in Jesus Christ, we die to sin, to live this life all through Him,
As The Lord helps us live each day, while on this life’s Narrow Way.

But A Mist

Our life on earth is but a mist, no matter how long that list,
Of those things in the past, of achievements we amassed,
Or those things we want to do, before time here is through,
For we are simply a vapor here, with that end drawing near.

The Race Already Won

Today the race, which we run, by The Lord, was already won,
As we run following His lead, He shall supply all of our need,
In this race, that we call life, following our Lord, Jesus Christ,
The race was won for all of us, that by our Lord, Christ Jesus.

Journey With My Wife

Now finishing a journey with my wife, one in which uncertainty is rife,
All that’s ahead, we may not know, but forward together we must go,
Now my wife of twenty-eight years, we can face challenge and fears,
For we don’t walk this path alone, but together in Christ we’ve grown.

Uncertainties Ahead

There is now a darkness before me, a darkness filled with uncertainty,
Yet, the One who I am certain of, is my Lord God, Who reigns above;
Above me always, God resides, and in God’s Truth, my heart abides,
So my Lord forever lights my ways, even through these darkest days.

Holiday Debate

Happy holiday they say with a smile, even though they’re in denial,
All around man’s legitimate reason, why we even have this season,
When men and women all about earth, reflect on The Savior’s birth,
Through celebration and praise, as men lift up the Ancient of Days.

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