Bob Gotti Poems

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Laid Up Once More

There is another bend in the road, again with another heavy load,
A heavy load of concern and care, another load in which to bear,
Yes, for another time in this life, I will have to go under the knife,
For The Lord has willed for me, yet, one more necessary surgery.

It Is What It Is

Life is simply what it is, but I’m blessed to know Jesus,
Who is my guide in this life, even in the pain and strife,
He’s indeed a light to me, in dark times to help me see,
Christ is forever by my side, as God helps me to abide.

I Am God’s

I am on this day well and fine, for I am God’s and He is mine,
He sought me from His Throne, claiming me as His very own,
And He is my God, I truly claim, this, as I call upon His Name,
As I fellowship with my Lord, through His Spirit in one accord.

A Generic God

“Oh my God”, an often heard phrase, empty words uttered these days,
This not the God The Bible speaks of, The One, Who reigns up above,
As He said, “Don’t speak my Name”, hastily spoken, just taken in vain,
He is The Lord, many do not fear, speaking vainly, all over this sphere.

Around Another Bend

With a thankful heart I raise, a heart of thanks to God in praise,
For seeing me thru another bend, as I wait for the ultimate end,
That time ahead, when I shall be, back on my feet, cancer free,
Until then, I look to my God, Who’s comforted me with His rod.

We Are Saints

I’ve been sanctified, set apart, for God’s service from the start,
The very moment that I believed, when Christ’s Spirit I received,
I was indeed, set apart by God, while still upon this earthly sod,
Sealed by the Spirit of Christ, for God’s purpose within this life.

Just A Taste

Come meet The God of Eternity, just taste Truth and you’ll see,
Just how sweet it is to your soul, as you stand with Him in awe,
In awe of what He’s done for us, through His Son, Christ Jesus,
Who had left His Eternal Throne, to make sinners His very Own.

By God

By God, we were sealed, when we were spiritually healed,
Sealed by The Savior Himself, His seal appears in stealth,
To all outside of Jesus Christ, but we’re sealed in this life,
In a New Life, God will reveal, in all, marked with His Seal.


Worshippers by God are sought, from the souls He has bought,
Every believer bought by Christ, to worship throughout their life;
The worship that God does seek, is more than just once a week,
It's far beyond a weekly throng, of believers lifting up their song.

Through Every Day

The Lord has and shall always; see me through all my days,
Whatever will come before me, His Gracious hand I will see,
As my life The Lord does guide, with my Savior by my side,
Through any task, large or small, He's the Lord God over all.

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