Bob Gotti Poems

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Mysteries Of The Kingdom

Some mysteries of The Kingdom were, given in parables for us to infer,
Some secrets of The Kingdom of God, while still upon this earthly sod.
Parables spoken by Jesus Christ, to demonstrate Truths of Eternal Life,
Hidden from the hearts and eyes; where God’s Truths are just despised.

Poured Out By God

Every day our God uses us, as His Instruments for Christ Jesus,
Pouring out our lives for Him, the One offered up, for all our sin.
Using our lives for His Glory, as He continues Salvation’s Story,
The story beginning at the cross, where He died for sinners lost.

Not To Worry

We falter when we fall to worry, about the things we can’t change,
When in our heart, cares we bury, instead of calling on His Name,
Our Glorious Savior, Jesus Christ, the only one who understands,
So all concerns about our life, we need to leave within His hands.

One Is In Control

It is The Lord, not you or me, Who is in control of our destiny,
Man may think he’s in control, but it’s still God Who’s over all;
God alone set all things in place, and we’re here by His Grace,
And in control of everything, is Jesus Christ, The Eternal King.

Separate From Truth

If you choose to separate yourself, from God’s Truth of much wealth,
You my friend shall be cut off from, God’s Truths of what is to come;
When you ignore God’s Revelation, you put in danger, your Salvation,
Ignoring The Truths of Jesus Christ, you’ll be cut off from Eternal Life.

Hiding God’s Word

God’s Truth echoes deep inside, from the Word that we hide,
Deep inside the believer’s heart, from Truth God does impart;
God’s Word hidden deep within, helps us in this world of sin,
From the evils of sin’s temptation, to living out our Salvation.

Oh, That More Would Know

Oh, that more would know, The Lord above, who loves them so,
Who gave His life, upon a cross, to save men from eternal loss.
That they too, would understand, Christ reigns above every land,
And though He reigns in power above, He truly is a God of love.

In Complete Control

The Lord above moves this world, through events divinely unfurled,
Unveiling events for nations to see, the hand of the God of Eternity.
Working beside man’s wickedness, to move some to righteousness,
While bringing true hope in our time, through events which are divine.


Oh, that we may be preoccupied, with the One who came and died,
To change our very present ways, for Christ’s Glory and His Praise.
Not only did He save us from sin, but, He equips us to live for Him,
In ways that we could not before, we knew Jesus Christ as our Lord,

The Darkest Hour

The world is truly a volatile place, much in need of protective grace,
The Grace of The Sovereign Lord, when His help below is implored.
Even when He’s not thought of, God moves, based upon His Love,
A Love which goes unparalleled, in opposing the evil forces of Hell.

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