Bob Gotti Poems

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In a world where hearts can waver, we serve an unchanging Savior,
Who walks ahead strong and tall, to lift believers up when they fall.
Christ, the same today as yesterday, Christ is faithful in every way.
With a heart which changes never, Christ remains the same forever.

Marriage In God’s Eyes

A wife, by God, was given to me, bound together by God at the start,
In the union of Holy Matrimony, separated never, till death do we part.
In marriage, ordered by God above, brought together to become one,
Led by The Spirit and God’s Love; being held together by God’s Son.

Too Late After

With God’s Word, they seldom bother; going to a man they call Father,
Who hides behind a religious collar, and feeds them deceptive fodder.
They don’t hear what Jesus said, as The Word by them is seldom read,
About giving reverence to only Him, The Lord, who died for all their sin.

In Christ, Receive

When in Jesus Christ you believe, Salvation from God you receive,
Saving you from a fallen race, through, The Lord’s Amazing Grace.
A Salvation, complete and free, one paid in full, by God at Calvary,
It was paid through God’s Son, who paid the full cost for everyone.

He Cares For All

There is not one soul anywhere, for whom The Lord doesn’t care,
As Christ reaches far and near, to touch the heart, filled with fear,
With The Holy Spirit, sowing seed, helping men to see their need,
Bringing hearts to that place, where they see their need for Grace.

True Change

They live as if they don’t know, God above, as they come and go,
Always moving in and out of iniquity, as with eyes that cannot see.
They say that they really believe, and God’s Truth they did receive,
But, their own life has no proof, that they ever embraced The Truth.

Changing Souls

Only God can change our soul, making man spiritually whole,
Filling that void in all men, when in Christ they are Born Again.
Friend, there is a void in us all, produced back at Adam’s fall,
As The Lord departed from us, to declare, we’d return to dust.

Submitting To Authority

God commands that we submit, to the Authority of Government,
But to obey God over men, when their ways He would condemn,
When man’s law contradicts, the understanding of God’s Edicts,
So we’re to pray with holy hands, for the leaders of all the lands.

All Differences Put Aside

They come in all colors and kinds, with different hearts and minds,
From various parts of this world, all with different stories to herald,
Each one will come to understand, ways and cultures of their land,
Diverse people from every nation, but, all in need of one salvation.

If Not For Grace

So far from God’s original plan, this world governed by fallen man,
It is indeed a discouraging place; what would we do without Grace?
God’s Grace which is provided to all, those redeemed from the fall,
When God provided real hope to us, through His Son, Christ Jesus.

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