Bob Gotti Poems

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Maybe Tomorrow

Maybe tomorrow and I will see, if I have time to ponder on Eternity.
For I have no time to contemplate, that is something that can wait.
I have many things to do today, and I have no time along the way.
Eternity is not important my friend, it’s a long time before the end.

The Future Of A Weed

The eternal future of every weed is truly a very bleak one indeed,
And even though they do not believe, they are truly a soul in need.

They are not planted by God and have no divine purpose at all,

Unless A Man Is Born Again

Nicodemus knew that Jesus was a teacher, who had come from God,
For no one but He could perform miraculous signs he said with a nod.

Nicodemus himself, was a seeker of The Eternal Truth of Almighty God,

God's Sure Word In The Light Of Uncertainty

Why do people, who say we know Jesus, say almost nothing my friend?
As we read the words of Jesus, as He describes the signs of the end.

If many people simply don't know what The Bible says about the end.

From The Pulpit To The Pew

Fill us with your power Lord, from the pulpit to the pew,
Reach down and touch all of those whom you foreknew.

Move back into our hearts Lord and push all our wills aside,

When I Have A Troubled Heart

I have a troubled heart today, and need guidance from my Loving God,
Some gentle guidance by His Staff, not an admonishment with His Rod.

I know His Word is very clear, as a Christian I have no need to fear,

Woe To All The Masters Of Deceit

God has given both blessings and warnings throughout His Holy Word,
However it looks as though by many people He goes virtually unheard.

Woe is but a tiny word in Scripture that echoes warnings very loud,

God's Uplifted Hand

For most of Her history, by many nations Israel has truly been hated,
Sure it looks bleak, but the will of The Lord will not be frustrated.

For this little tiny nation in the Middle East is not just any land,

Who Do You Rely On?

As your world goes on day by day, who or what is your mainstay?
The One, who is The Only Way, will also sustain you from day to day.
Christ can not only be your end, He can guide you daily, my friend.
Friends can change their mind, but Christ is the same all the time.

Trusting In The Lord

A need for trust marks the way, as things do change, day to day,
As we become self-assured, things can be changed by The Lord,
For it is The Lord, and Him alone, Who sets the plan for His own,
Having set forth a much larger plan, than in the heart of any man.

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