Bob Gotti Poems

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Not Good Enough

No one friend, is good enough, as sinful men raised from dust,
To reach God’s Eternal Throne, through his own merit, all alone.
The issues are sin and the Law, issues to God that aren’t small,
Sin we see sometimes as fun, while overlooking that other one.

Religion Or Life

Religion I hate, Life I love; one’s from earth the other from above,
The Life I love is from God, while religion is from this earthly sod.
A religion of earth leads to death; Life from God is eternal breath,
New Life is given by Christ Jesus, as religion will only mislead us.

What Do You Believe?

Just what is it that you believe, and what does your faith conceive?
If you do believe in a God above, does He fill your heart with love?
Does your faith fill you with peace, that during trials doesn’t cease?
And does it give you lasting hope, that in all trials helps you cope?

Not Ours To Give

For you, I would give the world, a phrase that many people herald,
But, earth is not ours to give, but, just a place that we mortals live.
Heaven’s not a place to assume; only in Christ can we get a room,
A room prepared by God’s Son, who created upon earth everyone.

Confident Expectation

We have a confident expectation, that’s in the God of our Salvation,
As pilgrims and strangers on earth, sanctified and lead by new birth.
We’re elected God’s chosen seed, with a message all nations need,
By the foreknowledge of the One, who gave us salvation in His Son.

Living Soberly

God’s Grace appeared to all men, in a world that was condemned,
Teaching us to live with holy fear, as the Day of Christ draws near.
We look to our Blessed Hope, our Lord Jesus who helps us cope,
Living soberly, while on this earth, through the power of New Birth.

Judgment Will Fall

Three billion souls and counting, as The Lord’s vengeance is mounting,
Against a world that’s gone astray, storing up wrath for Judgment Day.
God’s wrath on all who have ignored, Revelation of Grace by The Lord,
As Grace appeared to every nation, in Christ, revealing God’s Salvation.

The Campaign Trail

Aged or youth, you make the call, one will rise the other will fall,
Wisdom is grounded in age, as youth wants to turn a new page.
Both desire to take the lead, to address and handle every need,
Going on surely not to lose, but to be the one that men choose.

Healed Forever

To all men, Christ was revealed, so man could be spiritually healed,
Fully healed from the curse of sin, that has corrupted all men within.
It was the very heart of man, that was lead to stray from God’s plan,
On the day that Satan did deceive, the man through the woman Eve.

Warned Of Other Gospels

Other gospels men may know, but, where do they eternally go?
There’s only one Lord Jesus Christ, only one way to eternal life,
And men who believe the same, profess salvation in one name,
The One and Only Son of God, who walked on this earthly sod,

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