Bob Gotti Poems

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Conquering Giants

All of the giants within your life, are conquered with Jesus Christ,
Those giants that rage within, and those we face in a world of sin.
God who conquers giants for us, seeks only obedience and trust,
As we live for the Lord each day, following our Savior all the way.

His Present Peace

A peace the world does not afford, is granted to us by The Lord,
Peace which one cannot explain, given in the power of His Name,
The Lord and Savior from above, provides this peace I speak of,
An abundant peace to all of us, who in Christ, have put their trust.

A Race Already Won

We’re in a race already won, in the race we daily run,
It is the race we call life, won for us by Jesus Christ,
A race we run so many ways, living out all our days,
Racing upon this earth, for a crown of Eternal worth.

Unchanging Law

Jesus is God, this I proclaim, and Jesus as God, remains the same,
Two as one may sound strange, but, Jesus as God doesn’t change;
The Law God had fingered in stone, today, is Law for all of His own,
Laws given to Moses on Mt. Sinai, were instituted also for you and I.

Great And Mighty

Great and mighty is The Lord, while loved by many and adored,
For all that He’s done for us, our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus;
When in Him we put our trust, sinners destined to return to dust,
He granted to us a New Birth, providing to us our Eternal Worth.

Lord And Savior

Indeed, He’s Lord, Jesus Christ, Creator and Author of all life,
And I, a sinner, now restored, know Christ as Savior and Lord;
A restored relationship with God, I now have while on this sod,
Now forgiven of all my iniquity, with a home waiting in Eternity.

To End In Reproof

Don’t think it to be strange, about evil’s depth and range,
Or evil’s very strong allure, when sin knocks at your door,
As men on this earth confer, with that wicked one Lucifer,
Who is a fallen angel at best, for putting God to that test.

Our Lord’s Majesty

So very Glorious is our King, The Lord and God of everything,
So clothed in Heavenly Majesty, greater than any eye can see,
Robed in Glorious Eternal Light, piercing the dark of our night,
Our God with an Eternal Plan; higher than the thoughts of man.

If I Could Pass Something On To You

If I could pass something on to you my dear friend, what would it be?
If it was a word or two on life, would you want words simply from me?
Words of my own are of so little value, so why should I even pretend?

Swift And Decisive

Swift and decisive you can be sure that will be the Day of The Lord,
Just and complete will be the Lord with the destruction of His Sword.
For two millennia by scores of men The Lord Jesus has been ignored,
All who opposed The Lord will be consumed when His Wrath is poured.

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