Bob Gotti Poems

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Christ Came

Christ came to earth to walk with us, to help us walk with God in trust,
And to trust God with our very life, through His Only Son Jesus Christ.
This trust in which we place in God, goes far beyond this earthly sod,
Trust on earth that moves to Grace, and leads us to an eternal place.

Continual Expression Of Faith

Living the Christian life day to day, for believers is the only way,
To live for God a fruitful life, as we honor The Lord Jesus Christ.
Lifting always to God in prayer, all of our needs and every care,
Leaning on His eternal resource, to help us daily stay the course.

Looking For Direction

What does God have to say, have you looked in His Word today?
Where He speaks to men like us, when in Him we place our trust.
However, God will speak to anyone, if you’d like to know His Son,
To know Christ in a personal way, so God can speak to you today.

Spiritual Realm

Friend, what your eyes cannot see, for all this world is a reality,
A spiritual plane above the sky, that stretches down to you and I.
Though God reigns high above, He reaches down with His love,
Into this world as dark as night, He reaches down with His Light.

At Their Best

Today the world’s appalling indeed, with many men in spiritual need,
Not discerning of life here at all, spiritually blinded due to man’s fall,
His sinful fall from God’s Grace; where they communed face to face.
Fellowship with God of Eternity, was marred by Satan’s dark iniquity.

Faith Of The Saints Of Old

The faith of the saints of old, is recorded in Scripture of us to behold,
Believers today in God of the past, whose faithful ways eternally last.
Past men and women of the faith, were kept by His Amazing Grace,
Looking always to God’s Love, for guidance and comfort from above.

Wonderfully Saved

I have been wonderfully saved, by The Lord Jesus Christ,
Once darkened and depraved, God gave to me a new life.
From the work on the cross, God changed me from within,
Purging me of old dross, when He cleansed me of my sin.

Foundational Truth

The foundation for Grace was laid, when by Christ the price was paid,
Paid with His Blood on a cross, where Christ had died for sinners lost.
With the precious blood of Jesus Christ, He bought for all Eternal Life,
As life is in the blood my friend, and in Jesus Christ that life won’t end.

Promised Rest

Men must truly believe friend lest, they’ll miss God’s promised rest,
Within true faith men must receive, Jesus Christ when they believe.
God’s rest begins as you believe, and continues on until you leave,
Until you leave this temporal life, only if you believe in Jesus Christ.

As His Wife

As Christ’s Church and as His wife, we have a purpose in our life,
When we gather together as one, under the headship of The Son,
In worship and instruction friend, together we seek a glorious end.
When we fellowship in one place, as believers to express our faith.

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