Bob Gotti Poems

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The Winning Side

We may not know all the end, but we know, that we have won,
Though it won’t be pretty friend, we are sided with God’s Son.
That of the end we know is this, righteous wrath is sure to fall,
On those who don’t enter Bliss, as Judgment is poured on all.

Only From Him

He is very good indeed to me, as only Jesus Christ can be,
He is Creator and Sustainer of, everything, and from above,
From His everlasting Throne, where He cares for all His own,
Seated at The Father’s side, with Authority not to be denied.

Sooner Than Later

At times, sooner than later, my friend, The Lord God will,
As The Sovereign Creator, His purpose in our lives fulfill,
Tying all back by the Savior, to the time on Calvary’s Hill,
When He forgave our behavior, as His blood men spilled.

Inconvenience To Tragedy

From inconvenience to tragedy; things affecting you and me,
Used by God to help men grow, in ways we may never know.
An inconvenience in our life, may not cause us pain or strife,
But, alters what we may do, from ways which we are used to.

When Time Is No More

Now all time marches on for sure; however this time will not endure,
The present time as it now appears, the seconds moving into years.
All present times, be assured, will be changed forever by The Lord,
Unlike any time we’ve seen before, the present time will be no more.

It's Amazing

It’s amazing, that a sinner like me, can talk to The God of Eternity,
When I walk with Him each day, through fellowship, to God I pray,
The Lord God entered into my life, through His Son, Jesus Christ,
Who died at Calvary for my sin, so I could share my life with Him.

Those Along The Way

We see men each and every day, while we journey along our way,
On roads and byways of life, those who don't know Jesus Christ.
And the time we have down here, will end for all, this is very clear,
So we must take the opportunity, in sharing the Truths of Eternity.

Spiritual Famine

There is a famine within the land, as men hunger to understand,
The deeper issues of men’s ways, in these ever changing days.
It’s a famine of a spiritual kind, starving the heart and the mind,
In times that steadily darken, God’s Word men will not hearken.

Over All

The Lord Jesus is over everything, as The Sovereign and Eternal King,
He is Creator and Sustainer of all, that moves upon this terrestrial ball.
And all around it He has dispersed, His Light throughout this universe,
The many lights displaying His Majesty, this as far as any eye can see,

Eyes And Ears

They have the ears to listen, but have not a heart to hear,
The many words of wisdom, that comes from Godly fear.
They have the eyes to see, but they just cannot perceive,
That from the God of eternity, His Son they must receive.

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