Bonnie Moore Poems

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Cherie's Poem

“Mom, I have AIDS.”

Her sallow pale face stares up at me.
Her sad childish eyes beg me for help.

The Butterfly

On a yesterday summer day,
A creeping caterpillar crawled into a flaxen shell
And hid away from the world,
No more to let the elements of time

Thank You, My Friend

Hand in hand, we were silly children
Leading each other into a grown-up world
Filled with fear, uncertainty, unknown demons.
You held my hand when I was near the end.

Robbie's Car

A Parody

It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,

Our Personal Poetry

I shall be Venus, your goddess of love;
The scent of my body,
The feel of my hair,
The touch of my fingertips,

In Loving Memory...

James has become one with the clouds,
As the waves with their mist.
In Heaven’s starry river, his sails now dance.

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