Brent Kincaid

Brent Kincaid Poems

Why are you bragging
When you keep dragging
Your gender and species
Through the feces of history?


She wasn’t really our aunt
But she had been Daddy’s friend

My memories are like leaves
The sunlight shining through
Giving them a luminescence
They never really knew

It seems that I am always walking,
I can’t see so much when I ride.
Even a bicycle makes it go too fast;
I like the view when I set the stride.

It was one wild ride
A matter of fact
A hell of a party
To be exact.


I walked around amused
And ultimately confused;

The Best Poem Of Brent Kincaid

White Man

Why are you bragging
When you keep dragging
Your gender and species
Through the feces of history?
It is a mystery that you still
Consider killing as success
Creating a mess in your wake
Then take every opportunity
To oppress a community
Of those whose skins are dark.
Your remarks give you away
With everything you say
As you have squandered grace
Wandering from place to place
Pretending you are the best
And murdering the rest
Or robbing them into penury
Then committing perjury
When someone is strong enough
And tough enough to sue.
You lie and change the books
Like any Mafia crook has done
And everyone is supposed to ignore
The riches you store up tax free.
We have watched the laxity
You have used to be honest
While you hewed down forests
And enslaved nations of men
And once again waved your Bible
Committing libel in the name of God.
Your feed are shod in the skins
Of the victims of your sins
In the name of manifest destiny.
Too often you choose calumny
Instead of integrity and respect.
You have created neglect and poverty
By collecting property instead of dignity.
Even calling yourself white
Isn’t right. You’re beige or pink
But you think of people in degrees
While you force them to their knees
At almost every occasion.
Not white, you are Caucasian.
You have forgotten we are brothers
Not some lower kind of other.

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