Bri Edwards Poems

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Each of three days I've spied a spider ‘idly sitting'…..
…in a web strung between branches.Was it knitting?
[ I don't think it was. ]Was it looking back at me ….
…through the window where I was gazing at its tree?


From time to time my wife has said to me 'Some day
I wish all of my Internet and snail mail and phone calls will go away.'
(Of course I, her husband, think exactly the opposite about MY mail and calls.
But perhaps you've heard the expression about there being ears in the walls?)

[[I was reading aloud but my wife said “No more”;
no more because I’d admitted my throat was sore.
She filled a tiny glass and said “Gargle with Echinacea”;
and “Stay out of cold office, ...... though the computer might please ya.”

Fore! ..... [golf; Sporting Accidents; Humor; Very Short]

This poem was prompted by something I saw; "Don't think of me.... as a Kook."
What I saw is not often seen. It might, I think, make SOME of you puke.
It really wasn't a terrible thing. It was..... in fact, a simple piece of trash,
which might, however, make some of you..... AVERT your eyes in a flash.

I’ve started a 'showcase' on my PoemHunter site,
which is NOT a contest; it’s no arena for a fight,
but instead a place where once a month I shall post..
a poem from you, a PH member, which you’d like read most.

Hollywood made, of me, a movie …..
some thought scary, others thought groovy.
In it I was called "King Kong";
boy, were those people ever wrong!

Are the poems included here the 'Very Best'?
I know of no way, such a theory, ever to test.
Some ‘works' you may like, some you may …..NOT.
Some I may enjoy immensely [they really 'hit the spot'].

Pears: My Pets....[ Pears; Pets; Piano; Music; Very Short ]

I've a pair of purplish-pink pears.They are my pets,
and my mate, upon piano, my dear pears, she sets.
As these fruits look fondly at my outstretched hands,
music bursts forth as on white keys each finger lands.

Ok! Though I've more work ahead, the title's done at least.
I've enjoyed reading poems, but NOW I've to create the beast,
which I fondly call my next (usually-monthly) poem Showcase.
I hope it is enjoyed by YOU and causes none to…. ‘loose one's face'.

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