Bri Edwards Poems

Hit Title Date Added

Tiny Flaws …..

A tooth missing from my mouth, a tooth I didn't need.

Two Feet, One Sock....A True Story

It was past midmorning, time to expel 'yesterday's food'.
[ I'll not use a slang word for feces; that might be thought rude. ]
Finished in the bathroom, I turned on phone and internet.
I drank some water & returned to bed, not time to quit bed...yet.

I took a walk earlier, to avoid the increasing heat and I expected sweat.
And I DID sweat and I'm STILL sweating as I sit at my wife's PC table.
AND it feels like lightweight insects are wandering across my bare skin,
perhaps some mosquitoes hoping the sweat will help each proboscis in.**

1st Through The 12th..... [ Be Surprised ]

With not much action in my life, I strive to stretch my brain, OR..
at least exercise myself mentally to not lose what I've had BEFORE.
Some may say to me: 'Bri, what you 'had before' wasn't very much.'
Of course I attempt to NOT pay attention to THAT silliness and such!

Our Jackass Family....[ Really, Our Last Name Is Jackass! ]

Joan, a 'Love Child', 'Our Girl', was at our wedding.
Alan, our first son, came soon after & loved sledding.
Carole, red-haired, green-eyed, arrived with her twin,
Karl Jr., but Karl died in infancy, with his dimple in chin.

Bri's INTROduction POEM:

Dear Poem-Hunter friends (and 'others' who've not been so lucky) ,
I submit this display of poems. I think they all are rather 'ducky'.


Thursday I picked plums, and.....I may have picked a peck,
but if it WEREN'T a peck I picked, "Who Cares? ". What the heck!
Some were soft, some still hard, some purple, some were green.
This year's is a "bumper crop", the best that Bri has seen.

Chandan, I doubt I've ever thought of "it" this way before,
but you've asked who's my '"best friend" & here's 'the score'.:

Normally I'd say a high school friend, Karl; he lives now in Bangkok,

Chapter 49
[Sheila Speaks]:


Gather 'round, Children, and Bri shall tell you a tale...
about a Cat which, since birth, had no hair on its tail.
Oh, it HAD a tail, but it was a tail like that on a Snake,
and no hair did the cat's tail have, but still it did shake.

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