Bri Mar Poems

Hit Title Date Added
'' Without Them We Wouldn'T Be Here ''

Ask yourself this question right now,
Is your view on your elders to mock,
If it is it's time ask yourself why,
You must put yourself in the dock.

'' We'Re All Different, Not Disabled ''

If you class yourself as ‘'normal',
Why are you not aware,
That all of us are different,
So why the need to stare.

'' A More Dangerous Animal We Cannot Recall ''

Humans contrived weapons to help them survive,
Their spears and arrows kept them alive,
Eating just enough helped their prey to thrive,
Their numbers were relatively small.

'' You Are But A Coward ''

Mr Cameron by refusing,
The T.V. debates,
It’s we you’re abusing,
Our Prime Minister dictates.

'' I Know Nothing About Black Or White ''

When Madiba met God he said I’m overawed,
Your creations are flawed but what I find odd,
Is, your problems you keep out of sight.

'' And They Say I'M Insane? ''

I talk to someone who I believe is there,
Of others staring I become aware,
Their prejudice is hard to bear,
It causes so much pain.

'' That Power Only You Possess ''

Addiction is a word we tend to abuse,
Saying it slurred its translation you lose,
It’s really absurd it’s a habit some choose,
Why is anyone’s guess?

'' That Is The Miracle Of Verse ''

When you get the idea thoughts need to be written,
By the poetry bug you’ll find yourself bitten,
Very soon you will find yourself smitten
Now is the time to rehearse.

'' Even Animals Look After Their Own ''

Does Heaven exist?
Is Hell on the list?
Or could the whole thing be a fraud,
A man made con which can be dismissed,

''You'Re Surrounded With Love ''

Christmas again Ma,
You are sorely missed,
We feel your presence,
You are in our midst.

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