Bri Mar Poems

Hit Title Date Added
'' Invisible Ink ''

I've wrote a book,
Please take a look,
It will leave you feeling tense,
The critics say I'm just a crook,

'' Remember, Even God Bears A Grudge ''

I bumped into God the other day,
His face I couldn't see,
Gloves on his hands and looking away,
I asked him, why won't you look at me.

'' Welcome, This Is Hell ''

I've just arrived at Heavens gate,
But nobody's here to greet me,
I'm rich and powerful I shouldn't wait,
Why don't they come to meet me?

'' For That We All Had To Die ''

We have lost the ability to care for others,
Our greed and self- interest, our conscience it smothers,
We no longer care for our sisters or brothers,
The question we must ask is why.

'' Go Back On The Dummy ''

When born we sook,
Just a little bit,
By hook or crook,
We do love a tit.

'' Human Beings The Name ''

Our abilities are profound,
An intelligence that's high,
A being that's renowned,
We'll forever ask why.

'' Is That Really Me ''

As I ponder my reflection,
Am I going mad,
Do I need correction,
Am I really that sad.

'' On Perfection You Cannot Improve ''

They drive us mad,
Help us when sad,
We can but try to fulfil their desires,
Just being there they make us glad,

'' From Conscience They Are Devoid ''

There'll be no interruption,
No cause for disruption,
Tell me what's wrong with a fiddle,
The Human Race is filled with corruption,

'' Sympathy For Us Is Rare ''

A woman's work is never done,
Being one is just no fun,
Beware the moaning has just begun.
Life just isn't fair.

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