Bri Mar Poems

Hit Title Date Added
'' Imagination ''

Why are we afraid,
Of what we can't see,
The price to be paid?
Will cause a melee.

'' Now Is Too Late ''

If Heaven's for the pure,
Then you can be sure,
In residence there'll be very few,
It doesn't reassure,

'' Their Memory Is Cast ''

When a loved one dies,
Their passing spreads,
Their demise goes far and wide,
As you revise,

'' A Caring Compassionate Being ''

Is spite ever right,
Does it foster delight,
If so then it's time to take stock,
Keep this in sight,

'' We Know Who You Are ''

Some live to love,
Others to hate,
To give you a shove,
Some cannot wait.

'' Our Species We Could Yet Resurrect ''

The wonderful thing about giving?
It enhances the way we are living
It becomes crystal clear the reason we're here,
Is just to be kind and forgiving.

'' It's The Cull They Prefer ''

Trump say yes,
Putin says no,
Why all the stress,
Let the blood flow.

'' As One Is Where We Belong ''

A child is born,
It starts to breathe,
It knows nothing of what lies ahead,
Soon it learns scorn,

'' Do Not Be Denied ''

If you want to write,
Get down off your perch,
To discover the light,
Do your research.

'' Death Is Our Reason For Living ''

What's good is bad,
What's bad is good,
Their advice is never ending,
Our food is sad,

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