Bri Mar Poems

Hit Title Date Added
'' The Birthday Of Our Lord Jesus Christ ''

Once again Christmas is here,
Let's have a celebration,
Forget the debts and have no fear,
It will fill you with such elation.

'' I'M Only Ninety Years Of Age ''

I applied to run the marathon,
Only to be told,
We're sorry Mr. Marquis,
But I'm afraid you're far too old.

'' If God Is Real ''

What religion is God does anyone know,
We worship so many as they all come and go,
New ones will appear every other day,
Are they right or wrong who is to say.

'' I'm A Loser ''

Hello my dear friends,
I would never deceive,
Democracy one defends,
Do not let me grieve,

'' Corruption Reigns Supreme ''

Politicians and union chiefs,
Are really so alike,
High salaries and pension schemes,
They never go on strike.

'' Death Is Not Goodbye, It Is Just Farewell ''

I've reached that point where I now know,
My life here is over it's my time to go,
By the principles of honesty I've tried to adhere,
Perhaps that's why I do not feel fear.

'' We Are Destroying The Planet Earth ''

Draw a nail from the wood,
You weaken the frame,
The wind won't be withstood,
Because it's structure you maim.

'' It's Not Easy Being A Bard ''

I have been told,
From many a fold,
I'm certainly not a poet,
Negative comments though leave me consoled,

'' There Are No Pockets In A Shroud ''

Money makes the world go round,
I wonder who said that,
It must have been a billionaire,
A grass roots spoiled brat.

'' Even They Can't Defy ''

A major gaffe,
I had to laugh,
The whole thing was a bloody farce,
The stories then went off the graph,

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