Brian Patten Poems

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The Right Mask

One night a poem came up to a poet
From now on, it said, you must wear a mask.
What kind of mask? asked the poet.
A rose mask, said the poem.

Party Piece

He said:

'Let's stay here
Now this place has emptied

In Tintagel Graveyard

Who brought flowers to this grave?
I, said the wren.
I brought them as seeds and then
Watched them grow.

The Innocence Of Any Flesh Sleeping

Sleeping beside you I dreamt
I woke beside you;
Waking beside you
I thought I was dreaming.

Doubt Shall Not Make An End Of You

Doubt shall not make an end of you
nor closing eyes lose your shape
when the retina's light fades;
what dawns inside me will light you.

One Another’s Light

I do not know what brought me here
Away from where I’ve hardly ever been and now
Am never likely to go again.

Nor The Sun Its Selling Power

They say her words were like balloons
with strings I could not hold,
that her love was something in a shop
cheap and far too quickly sold;

Mr Ifonly

Mr Ifonly sat down and he sighed,
I could have done more if only I had tried

Geography Lesson

Our teacher told us one day he would leave
And sail across a warm blue sea

Remembering Snow

I did not sleep last night.
The falling snow was beautiful and white.

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