Francis Duggan Bullying Poems

The Victim Of Bullying

He has blossomed into be nobody's fool
The boy who was taunted and bullied at school
Quite a brilliant scientist and few of his kind
And his very equal would be hard to find.

Cyber Bullying

Does not matter your gender or what age you are
If you are into cyber bullying you have gone too far
In bad behavior your actions seem small
In fact you are not a good person at all

To A Victim Of Cyber Bullying

Suppose they can't help the way they are the people to you who are rude
And though they are well educated in their ways they are very crude
You did not ask them for their comments to criticize you or your praises for to sing
Their nastiness to it has a deeper meaning perhaps with them 'tis a power thing

A Victim Of Workplace Bullying

His redneck workmates tease him at least that's what he said
They say such rude things to him like we've taken your girl to bed
They've doused his sandwiches in petrol and put salt in his flask of tea
And they've made life in the workplace for him a misery.

Down With Cyber Bullying

Down with cyber bullying it ought to be treated as a serious crime
It has brought young victims to suicide years from their life's prime
For to drive their young victims to an early grave
For the cyber offenders such a cowardly way to behave

On Cyber Bullying

I firmly believe cyber bullying should be classified as a crime
It is a practice that has been going on for some time
All cyber bullies are cowardly they go beyond rude
And their behaviour does seem far more criminal than crude

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