Cj Heck Poems

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A Child’s Masterpiece (Children)

Today I found a can of paint.
The paintbrush was there, too.
Mommy must have left it
when her painting was all through.

A Cold, Cold Heart

I offered my heart
in the palm of my hand,
a burning nova
to a private world

I Remember Then

I remember many things
about those days and you.

I remember staring into brown eyes

Children Of The Rainbow (Children)

I talked to Grammy yesterday
about a girl I know.
Her skin’s a different color
but I like her, even though

I Love Bugs (Children)

I love teeny tiny ants
and itchy bitsy fleas,
spiders, big and little,
and grouchy grumble bees,

Life Goes On

memories are like
a child’s jack-in-the-box,
bound to pop up
when we least expect them

Daddy’s Boots (Children)

Daddy left his boots for me
and here I have to stay
‘cause Daddy is a soldier,
I’m in charge while he’s away.

Dear Mommy Up In Heaven (Children)

Dear Mommy up in heaven,
you’re always in my mind.
I wish that you could tell me
why you left so much behind.

A Treasure In The Attic

Treasures abound in an attic
if you're patient enough
to wade through
the spiders and dust to find them.

I'M Not Talking (Children)

I’m just going to sit here.
I won’t say a word.
I’ll be like the children
who are seen and not heard.

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