Caitlyn Ibarra

Caitlyn Ibarra Poems

One pill,

Two pills,

The Best Poem Of Caitlyn Ibarra


One pill,

Two pills,

Three pills,


Take my last breath,

Then I'm dead on the floor,

Saying goodnight to the day,

Watch as my world fades slowly away,

God wasn't there,

Parents couldn't save me,

Raised an angel,

But broken wings became of me,

Happiness packed it's bags and left out the door,

Love became an alcoholic and I have to travel to see her on the third floor.

To much pain,

To many tears,

Now I have to let go of all my fears

One pill,

Two pills,

Three pills,


Nothing but numbness down to the core,

Closing my eyes,

Feel the sadness build up more,

I'm at my breaking point,

No need for a joint...I got Synthroid and Tylenol Codeine

Popping open my bottles,

Pulling down the tabs,

I guess I'm an adrenaline junkie

Because these pills are going down fast,

One bottle to go,

....My heart beats gets slow,

My legs grow weak,

My body goes low,

My Eyelids grow heavy and then eyes permanently close,

One pill,

two pills,

Three pills


Here I am,

And there I stay

I'm dead on the floor...

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