Carey Lenehan

Carey Lenehan Poems

Come into my parlour, said Obama to the fly,
lurking on the outside,
and the fly, with five points to every eye, stepped inside,
treading carefully

I pop it in my mouth, this political pill,
feel it fizz on my tongue
and the back of my throat go numb,
Feel it whizz in my bloodstream

by Carey Lenehan © 2002

We're bringing chaos to your lands,
with loaded weapons in our hands

We ran in the same streets, but we walk in different worlds
You and I, poles apart, thinking, not thinking about
understanding each other,
no chance of ever, seeing eye to eye

I looked for it in Church, this thing they call Faith.
The arches were pretty, the air was still
but in the dusty gloom
of all those criss-crossed chantrys,

Hunt on wardogs, seek, scent, destroy
do not try to pretend this is more or less
than a new game, a new toy,

Follow me as I walk onward
And fear not the future
I will lead along safe pathways
And I will look for the chasms

Soldiers, soldiers, everywhere, with no good wars to fight
How do you flex your muscles, the weapons of your might?
Where do you go to kill these days, false enemies in sight?
How do you earn the wages paid? Through false created blight?

Moments like these
A sunny day
Rare as a North Pole flower
Birds alight with song

Our children were gifted this world...
what a world we are leaving for them...
How do you sleep at night,
for I,

In this hour
Categorized immigrants plod, hands filled with hope
in two directions, with one expression,
muted by dispossession and unsure


Can I put the leaders of the world on trial,
Force them to climb down
from their ashened pedastals
and confess the wrongs

I'm not inspired by love today
And with the sky a solid grey
The world of nature leaves me numb
I'm trying but the words won't come

Summer flies by and the soft voices cry
for a mist of cool and a clear blue sky
White clouds drift and within their mist
is a safe, still place like a solitary kiss

Carry me on your sloping shoulders
and I will try to grip on with my toes,
my arms around your neck, crouched here, clinging.
Leap with me from branch to hanging branch

I dream about innumerable things
Vast and fervent wonderings
Gallant knights and days of old
Battles fought and heroes bold

What are the things you cannot know,
the moods and shades I cannot show,
the many nuances of myself,
Stuck dust collecting on the shelf?

Ask yourself,

What does it take to be a ‘Terrorist'
To put cities and nations, under the fist?

I watched the Dinosaur crawl from the bowels of the mountain.
We heard the rumble as it climbed up from the bony bed,
from the rock,
Into the cold sunlight, between the pillars of ancient Gods it ambled,

I feel, therefore I love,
what is love but a diverse melange of base ingredients,
clumsily blended by inept hearts,

The Best Poem Of Carey Lenehan

Obama And The Fly

Come into my parlour, said Obama to the fly,
lurking on the outside,
and the fly, with five points to every eye, stepped inside,
treading carefully
for as he knows, whilst flies have no fear of irradiation,
they can still be squashed
by a determined hand.

Let me show you American hospitality,
said Obama to the fly
and the fly,
glad to be un-American,
deigned to feed on the happy scraps he was offered
well aware, that in reality,
the whole world was already his own.

Watch my lips, said Obama to the fly,
when both were fed and formalities put to bed,
or I shall be very cross
and you will not like me, when I'm cross
and then he smiled winningly.

The fly regarded Obama with its many eyes,
all five pointed, and replied
Do your worst, for we shall build Jerusalem
upon our pleasant land, green or not
and whatever stands in our way shall be bulldozed
regardless of your objections
because we are chosen, and that's what we do.

Come into my office, said Obama to the fly
and the fly, all senses bristling, stepped inside
to hear Obama say,
Do not forget, little fly, that this is the oval of true power
and you should listen to me
for alone, you are very small and need my protection.

Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once,
said the fly to Obama, wings abuzz, composure unruffled,
When you are not looking, I shall lay eggs on the rotting corpse of peace
and spew acid onto a world we despise until it is remoulded to our liking,
because I am quite simply, superior to you, and you should not forget that.

And as the fly flew heavily from Obama's grasp,
well fed and undaunted by threats,
it followed the money men who gave it sanctuary
because they too, were flies and could buy it many defences,
and with a parting hearty laugh it said to the rest of the world,
See you in hell...

Carey Lenehan Comments

Stackers 05 September 2018

I like this ... Although comment how much better does Bush look now

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