Carla J Nelson

Carla J Nelson Poems

Betrayal's Aftermath

The assault comes unexpectedly.
It catches you

Want to attract a fairy?
Here is what you have to do.
Make a bit of fairy dust,
With sparkles through and through.

If you have a special garden,
Where flowers and herbs abound,
Then take a pinch of fairy dust,
And sprinkle it around.

Eyes bagging?
Skin cragging?
Butt dragging?
Energy flagging?

Gypsy Yearnings

Wanderlust is tugging,
At the gypsy in my soul,

If I won the lottery,
I'll tell you what I'd do.
I'd hire myself a gardener,
Maybe even two.

The West Wind whispered, "Come away.
There's a sight to see in the woods today."
I followed where the West Wind led,
Past nodding violets, through ferns we sped.

If death takes you from me early
And I'm left to journey on,
I know the soul that bides within you
Will transcend your body when it's gone.

The Walnut Man

He died in July at the age of 91,
And I did not mourn his passing.

Tea & Worts

The ladies of Lopper,
Convened over tea.

It can take away your headache,
And relieve your upset tummy.
It can make your house smell fresher,
And your tea taste extra yummy.

A fellow named Mort,
A professor of hort,
Was eating a torte
Of the savory sort,

They went to war
At the behest of The Man
Ensconced in an office
Oval and grand

Carla J Nelson Biography

I've been writing poetry all my life. In recent years, my focus has been on herbs and fairies in the garden. In 1993, I began writing and publishing Herb Gatherings, The Newsletter For The Thymes, which was in publication for seven years with subscribers all over the US and in 14 foreign countries. For many years I maintained a website of fairy and herb delights, including recipes, poems, garden and craft ideas and a charming fairy blog. It has since been discontinued. I also have an 'X' (formerly Twitter) account where I post as Clarayafaya.)

The Best Poem Of Carla J Nelson

Betrayal's Aftermath

Betrayal's Aftermath

The assault comes unexpectedly.
It catches you
Overwhelmed with grief,
You pray for death to release you.
Any death - to stop the pain.
But death does not come.
The world as you knew it is in ruins.

Life goes on.
You drag yourself
Out of the rubble and the muck.
You claw your way to firmer ground.
You build anew.
Only this time,
You anticipate the perils that lie in wait,
You shore up the foundation better.
You build a fortress.
You vigilantly guard the door.

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