Carol D. Meeks

Carol D. Meeks Poems

He asked for their forgiveness;
Their ruler was killed;
The Creator was destroyed.

I didn't know I would love anyone
As much as I love you
For the sound of your voice, makes
All my dreams come true

1996, the cowboys are on top
Thank goodness, the 49'ers were stopped
By the team in green
Who on that day, was a mean machine!!!

The stained glass coverlet,
Crocheted from remnant yarns,
Was untouched by his apartment fire.

I love "The Land of Enchantment"
The culture is so varied
When you move here
You don't want to leave here.

Are housed in summer’s delight.
Parks tower toward the sky
And stretch out for city blocks;
Restaurants, vendors spinning like tops.

Transfixed by intense
patterns and exquisite
painterly hues, these butterflies

Storms bring rainbows:
they highlight spring,
darkness blankets the sky,
lightning divides the clouds,

It stands erect
displaying its spiroid
stripes of black and white
and gives comfort

As the Soldnelle plant pushes
through snow-topped
Alpine Valleys,
and sunshine covers

You made trembling in the earth
And kingdoms shook in fear:
Like leaves in trees in a gale of wind.
Jerusalem fell, and desolation became her worth.

My dictionary,
so orderly and precise;
I wonder why I can’t
un-organize it

A friend, a challenge, a tool
a high speed electronic
machine-performs logical
calculations, processes,

Age has crept up on
me, there are many
ways I can tell.
Fast paced times are

My eyes viewed
The sea of Autumn
That lay before us,
And I pondered the hearts

We deem the team, or person,
Or thing, that stands high, tall,
Or is the last to fall;

The Best Poem Of Carol D. Meeks

As He Hung On The Cross

He asked for their forgiveness;
Their ruler was killed;
The Creator was destroyed.

Truly, they knew not what they did,
And He asked His Father
The crucifiers, them, to for give.

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