Carolina Murillo

Carolina Murillo Poems


Love is...
Something unforgettable...
love can break you..

every day im strugglin.
always tryna follow in,
in my daddys footsteps cuz he told me in da car that when
i become succesful

Carolina Murillo Biography

Well my names Carolina. wanna kno more? then u kno wut to do)

The Best Poem Of Carolina Murillo


Love is...
Something unforgettable...
love can break you..
or it can make you...
Love is a process you go through...
you will fight...
maybe even die inside...
but some how...
love always makes you go back to that special someone...
no matter what seems to happen...
love is every emotion that you can feel for someone put into one...
Love is unexplainable...
Theres really not one definition to describe it...
Theres just a whole bunch...
Some people think their in love...
But if your in love i dont think youd do stuff behind 'your loves' back...
Can make your life for the better....
or sometimes for the worst...
But no matter what..
Youll go through whatever obstacles that get thrown at you...
Im one those people who is lost...
in love....

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