Carolynne Moore

Carolynne Moore Poems


Teach me how to speak again
Put your words in my mouth
Like I am unable to form them on my own
Force your beliefs in my mind

I can't be sure
Whether I experience the magnificent death or
Whether I live through hell
I can't be sure

The Best Poem Of Carolynne Moore


Teach me how to speak again
Put your words in my mouth
Like I am unable to form them on my own
Force your beliefs in my mind
'Cause we both know that I don't have them alone
Tell me how to act with people
You know that I am still an uncivilized dog
I'll bite your hand when you're feeding me
With those particular obscurantist lies
Talk to them while I smile proudly
Since I can't find my voice
You took it away to attest
That I have no thing I own

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