Cassandra Prew

Cassandra Prew Poems

Worcester, the city of noise,
Walking along these city streets,
Seeing people busy,

When I first met you,
I would of never thought you had a crush on me,
who would of thought we would be more than friends.
I've never met someone so caring and lovable.

The Best Poem Of Cassandra Prew

City Of Worcester

Worcester, the city of noise,
Walking along these city streets,
Seeing people busy,
Cracked city walks,
Aged city houses,
Beautiful city air, '
Never seems to be a minute to spare,
As cars stream along,
Cops and fire trucks pass down my street.
Loud children playing in the streets.

As I walk down the street of mine,
I hear parents yelling at their children.
Dogs barking as you walk by,
Houses that are old and crusty,
Men and women fighting.
This right here is the city I was born in.
The City Of Worcester!

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