Celestine Moonlight Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Everything Will Never Be The Same.

In this world, everything was like a game;
when you win you get the fame, when you loose you get the shame.

In this world, everything were possible;

Stories Of This World...

The events of these days have planted seeds of stories that will be nutured by time...

Stories of love that's generous but can't be spoken,
stories of people hurting each other because of jelousy and greed,

Debt Of The Life

I looked at the sky and I remembered the debts i havent pay,
I tried to cry for the debts were not money or whatever I can say.
It's the way everyone made me down until the very bottom of the day.
I tried to resist it but in the end, it hurt me more and more everyday.

The Devils Around Me.

I am listening to my favorite song,
when something interupted me for long,
it was not anyone or something went wrong,
it's my memories of my wrongs.

The Unhappy Boy

Like stars up above the sky,
will anyone bother when they cry?
Like an animal in its cage,
will anyone bother to feel its rage?

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