Charlie Nan

Charlie Nan Poems


Walks - English translation

I lost my eye in the repeated dark steps
through the tightest corners
From the aspect mute as graves

Charlie Nan Biography

Charlie Nan is a young author well known by the new generations. Criticized some times for his opinions about contemporary literature especially for refusing to publish his works. His poems touch all the theme of the life leaving the society on the background and using aestheticism only as an instrument of comunication. A retourn to the metaphysics but walking by the streets. @RobinDiLoxley

The Best Poem Of Charlie Nan


Walks - English translation

I lost my eye in the repeated dark steps
through the tightest corners
From the aspect mute as graves
But taken them name
up the incision at the beginning of the street
and telling you gladly
the story with the sound of the alley
through the streets beating by the walks
rhythmically scanned by the people
by the peaks of the reason to silence
of the secular spirits that creaming madly
taking with them the message of the one who
waved at every prophecy
dystonic as the claim to jump below
from a well without ending as her eyes
cause would be neve dark as this loneliness
without valid false gods to invoke invain
without unmasked ancient lies
Today, I dont have a funerary urn
I dont have stories of poor devils
I dont have an eulogy to madness
remains me only all the anxiety of this century

Original text


Ho perso lo sguardo nei ripetuti passaggi bui
Per gli angoli più stretti
Dall’ aspetto muti come lapidi
Ma che portano il loro nome
Sull’ inciso all’ inizio della via
e che ti raccontano volentieri
La loro storia con i suoni del vicolo
Per le strade percosse dai passi
Scanditi ritmicamente dalla gente
Dai picchi della ragione per zittire i sussulti
Degli spiriti secolari che urlano matti
Che portano con se il messaggio di colui che
Ha rinunciato ad ogni profezia
Distonici come la pretesa di buttarsi giù
Da un pozzo senza fine come i suoi occhi
Perché non sarà mai cupo come questa solitudine
Senza validi falsi dei da invocare invano
Senza antiche menzogne smascherate
Oggi, non ho un antica urna cineraria
Non ho storie di poveri diavoli
Non ho un elogio alla follia
Non mi rimane che tutta l angoscia di questo secolo

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