Charlotte Henson

Charlotte Henson Poems

It was dead, what they shared,
And he realized it as much as she.

With love like the coelacanth, gone

Like white noise, our minds went blank
And seeing red became too clichéd - an understatement for us.
The room, a mess which only enraged us further,
Like a state of mind with the curtains strewn

Charlotte Henson Biography

Charlotte Henson is a freelance poet and student from Bury, Greater Manchester. She has been published in various places, performed at more, and runs an open mic night in Bury. PUBLICATIONS: Writers' Forum, Poetry Rivals, Poetry Matters, Seeds of Inspiration, Best of Manchester Poet: Volume 2 and blankpages. GUEST PERFORMANCES: Writeoutloud Sale, Writeoutloud Bolton, Writeoutloud Middleton, Bang! Said The Gun, Bolton School, OpenMind, Once More With Meaning and Bury Library.)

The Best Poem Of Charlotte Henson


It was dead, what they shared,
And he realized it as much as she.

With love like the coelacanth, gone
Was the small butterfly that once nestled in their breast pocket,
Occasionally fluttering its wings in a dizzy dance.
The fossil of their relationship was
Far more easily located than a living specimen nowadays.
Now, loud nights spent tearing into each others' ego
As a lion does its prey and as the two stand on a pier,
Even now she is circling, waiting for his next mistake.

But for a second, a dark glance on the seafloor.
Beneath, the coelacanth made a steady process,
Huge, and rested directly beneath them.

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