chikondi mandala

chikondi mandala Poems

He says...
I'm the reason why his falling,
I am the reason why its not working,
The reason why His breaking,

I'm sorry for being a huge disappointment.
I'm sorry for not taking the bullet for you because I
didn't think you were worth it.
I'm sorry for not trusting you because I caught you

The Best Poem Of chikondi mandala

Did We Ever Love?

He says...
I'm the reason why his falling,
I am the reason why its not working,
The reason why His breaking,
The reason why His breaking,
Why His angry, frustrated and feels betrayed.

...and I say...
His the reason why I love myself the way
I do because He couldn't do it better.
The reason why I'm more confident
Because I now know my capabilities.
The reason why I wear that slim fit dress
And not worry about disgusting HIM with
My 'love handles' so He says.
The reason why I have connected with my guy friends
Because I don't have Him organising my friend list for me.
The reason why am happy,
Because I have finally found myself.

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