Christopher Morley Poems

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Hymn To The Dairymaids On Beacon Street

Sweetly solemn see them stand,
Spinning churns on either hand,
Neatly capped and aproned white
Airy fairy dairy sight.

Reading Aloud

ONCE we read Tennyson aloud
In our great fireside chair;
Between the lines my lips could touch

The Milkman

EARLY in the morning, when the dawn is on the roofs,
You hear his wheels come rolling, you hear his horses hoofs;

Burning Leaves In Spring

WHEN withered leaves are lost in flame
Their eddying gosts, a thin blue haze,
Blow through the thickets whence they came

Taking Title

TO make this little house my very own
Could not be done by law alone.
Though covenant and deed convey
Absolute fee, as lawyers say,

Caught In The Undertow

COLIN, worshipping some frail,
By self-deception sways her:
Calls himself unworthy male,

Our House

IT should be yours, if I could build
The quaint old dwelling I desire,
With books and pictures bravely filled

The Secret

IT was the House of Quietness
To which I came at dusk;
The garth was lit with roses
And heavy with their musk.

Elegy Written In A Country Coal-Bin

THE furnace tolls the knell of falling steam,
The coal supply is virtually done,
And at this price, indeed it does not seem

The Wedded Lover

I READ in our old journals of the days
When our first love was April-sweet and new,
How fair it blossomed and deep-rooted grew

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