Christopher Pacini

Christopher Pacini Poems

The Golden Age is here at last.
The fabled era of Peace.
The Dawn of Light is upon us
and miracles won't cease.

I came to learn about Love and I learned
that we are Love in action.
I came to learn about Courage and I
discovered that we are Courage in action.

Walk gently into that quiet place
reflect upon its strength.
Embrace the essence of this pure time
so truly short in length.

The Best Poem Of Christopher Pacini

The Golden Age

The Golden Age is here at last.
The fabled era of Peace.
The Dawn of Light is upon us
and miracles won't cease.
Embrace your faith; become your Creed
will full sincerity.
The Source of Life does Love all Hearts
Great Change does come to Heal our Earth
and cleanse our Blessed Land,
The Surgery of Centuries
performed by God's Great Hand.
Endeavor to become all Light,
all Truth, all Hope, all Love.
The Source of Life will claim its own
and Raise us Up Above.
No matter what might shake your World
go forward without fear.
Take three deep breaths and simply say:
"God is the only Presence here".

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