chuka egbo

chuka egbo Poems

Five years of knocking the spirit door
Of joining celestial being to adore
Absorbed into stupendous Splendor
Ending your epoch in Onitsha Ado

Many vile to gain you smile
Many crook for you all this while
Drown in vanity like in river Nile
Dis-easing self for your pleasing

The Best Poem Of chuka egbo

Poem For Dead

Five years of knocking the spirit door
Of joining celestial being to adore
Absorbed into stupendous Splendor
Ending your epoch in Onitsha Ado
None pose rhetoric to imperial partiality
No senile mind can grasp this reality
Only my spirit, the seat of eternity
Senses can't synchronize with divinity
Its riddles hard for the mind of finite
Only reins penetrate disguise of infinite
Understanding mind and knowing spirit
One day I shall know even as am known
My love still abounds and never ebb
Even though our lover be no more

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