Claire Page

Claire Page Poems


Depression depression,
Gets to us all,

Ocean Ocean,
You look so blue,

Rainbow Rainbow,
Where do you end,

I see a wishing star up in the sky,
I start to make a wish upon that wishing star,

Happy Birthday to you,
Pure Poetry is a year old today,

D is for Down days
E is for Escaping when you want to cry

Happy Birthday to you,
You would of been fifty-one today,
If you hadn't died from depression,
You would be celebrating with me to.


Snow is falling all around me,
This means I can't get Carrie out,

Friends friends everywhere,
Here there & everywhere,

C is for Complicated Condition
E is for Exercise that I can't do

It is quite a struggle when you live alone,
You don’t know who to call upon when alone,
You don’t know who to love when you’re alone once more.

The fair is coming to town,
The children are running around,


Hello how are you,
I'm fine thank you,

Goodnight my Teddybear.

Everyboy's Happy,
Jumping for joy,

The sky is dark,
The stars are shining,

Angels Angels

Angels, Angels,
I can see you,


We have playing cards
We have Birthday cards
we have Chirstmas cards
We have Get Well cards



Why is a three letter word,
but what does it really mean?


I maybe home sometime,
But I don't know when,

The Best Poem Of Claire Page



Depression depression,
Gets to us all,
We don't know why?
But it's always there,
At some point in our lives,
All we want is for our depression to go away,
The types we have are all different,
But we all wish that the depression would fly away just like angels would!

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