Clive Blake

Clive Blake Poems

When you are little like you…
Everything is exciting,
Everything is brand new.

You're never too old to learn something new,
You're never too old to explore,
You're never too old to have hopes and dreams,
You're never too old to want more,

May we forever be lovers,
May we forever be friends,
And should we hurt each other,
May we quickly make amends.

My heart's pumping,
My brain's starting gun has fired,
Watching Stephen Hawking on TV
Has made me feel inspired.

Dear Lord,
Don't let me ask only for myself,
For problems solved and better health,
Nor ask only for kin and friends,

Let me sail away forever,
Let me cast off from the shore,
Let the swirling mists engulf me,
Till reality rules no more,

The age of innocence,
A daughter we adore,
Long hot summer days,
A toddler only four.

You are the love …
The love of my life,
By my side both in
Good times and strife,

In early eighteen-forty-four,
In Cornwall's heart; on Bodmin Moor,
Charlotte Dymond, a young farm maid,
Had her throat slit with a steel blade,

I am part of the universe
And the universe is part of me,
For whatever my body does,
My spirit will be forever free.

In the quiet of the night,
Where darkness steals the need for sight,
When most are asleep, I lie awake,
Waiting for the dawn to break,

Where has the young boy gone,
Oh, where has the young boy gone?

The one who played

Do you feel like a trapped spider
In an upturned glass?
Do these feelings come and go,
Do you think that they might pass?

Just a young sapling
With an unhindered view,
It chose its position
And then grew where it grew.

Confused by DVD interactivity,
Lost in soulless Internet chatrooms,
Spied on by precision satellites,
Tracked down by mobile phone texters,

Who ruined my confidence,
Who trampled my young dreams,
Who turned the signpost around,
Who undid all my schemes?

Jesus lived, and
Jesus died,
Jesus laughed, and
Jesus cried.

I didn't really care if -
Our wedding was big,
Or our wedding was small,
Was held in a small tent,

Clive Blake Biography

United Press' Biography re 'Ten of the Best Poets of 2013' Clive is often referred to as ‘Cornish Poet Clive Blake', which reflects the fact that he is intensely proud of both his Cornish and Celtic ancestry. An internet search of ‘Cornish Poet', setting the search options to ‘Images', will find many examples of his work, especially ‘phoetry'. Clive invented the term ‘phoetry', meaning a fusion of poetry and photography, in 1994. This concept has struck an inspirational chord with many in the art world and has been used, built upon and extended, by many. He enjoys sharing his poetry in a variety of formats, particularly performing his poetry under the banner of ‘Clive Live'. Clive says, " When members of the audience say that they don't think of themselves as poetry lovers, but have really enjoyed my performance, I consider my goal achieved. Mine is a constant search to make poetry accessible to a wider audience." His performances are mainly confined to Cornwall, but he has a large international following of his written work. His poem ‘Wedding Vows" is fast becoming an international favourite and has been used in ceremonies all over the world. Latest Book: 'Clive's Uni-Verse - A Cornishman's take on life', published in Jan 2022, in both Paperback and eBook formats, by Olympia Publishers'. Previous Book: 'View Points and Points of View' published 9th February 2009 by Emu House publications.)

The Best Poem Of Clive Blake

When You Are Little Like You

When you are little like you…
Everything is exciting,
Everything is brand new.

When you are little like you…
The world stretches out before you,
Creating a glorious view.

When you are little like you…
Everything seems possible,
There is nothing you cannot do.

When you are little like you…
Enjoy all of your childhood,
Don't be too eager to age,
Savour your life's story as it unfolds,
Don't rush towards the last page.

Clive Blake Comments

Clive Blake Quotes

My poetic aspiration is to become: a Jack of all styles and a master of pun.

Although it is true that some have been captured, we would like to assure you that no thoughts, or images, have been harmed during the making of this book.

Let happiness be your destination, let your trademark be a smile.

Leisure is an adult pleasure.

So many flowers, Sow little garden.

You are never too old to live.

It doesn't matter what timetable, on you, modern life imposes, you should always take the time to stop and smell the roses.

I attended High School at the tender age of five years old. Yes, my Primary School was at the top of a very big hill, so you can't get much Higher Education than that.

I was the fastest runner in my Primary School and at the age of five, on my very first sports day, I was winning my race and approaching the finish, when two of my teachers suddenly held a tape across the finishing line. Having never seen this happen before, I thought they were trying to stop me from winning the race, so I jumped the tape. Yes, you've guessed it; I was also the best high-jumper in the school! I use this story to illustrate the fact that you should never let anybody stop you from achieving what you set out to achieve.

It's The University of Life' where you gain your real education. It doesn't issue degrees, there is no set course and it doesn't end until you do.

My favourite response from an audience member is when they say that they do not consider themselves to be poetry lovers, but they love what I do.

We are all the product of What we dream, What we do and What choices we make.

I am registered as Blind; the more modern terminology being S.S.I., Severely Sight Impaired. I stopped describing myself as being S.S.I., since I kept getting coach loads of tourists turning up at my home, after mistaking me for a Site of Scientific Interest.

We are all the product of What we dream, What we do and What choices we make.

Under the banner of ‘Clive Live' I have performed my poetry at village halls, town halls, church halls, churches, chapels, abbeys, streets, beaches, town squares, piazzas, open-air theatres, cinemas, marquees, barns, cafes, pubs, restaurants, hotels, libraries, schools, gardens, care homes and stately homes. The one thing I think I can safely claim, is versatility!

A Cornish pasty in the hand is worth two in the oven.

Who'd have thought that wot I'd wrote, would ever be a - quotable quote?

All humans should be treated with equal humanity, without regard to their religion, gender, health-status, skin colour or ethnic origins.

Wise men who don't know That they are wise, Are fools, Whereas fools who know That they are fools, Are wise!

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