cody byrne

cody byrne Poems



As it is I sleep
In a nightmare within a nightmare

Finding loves fool

loves fool you may be
but I stand in front of thee

To love
To love is to cherish
To love is to dwell upon

My forbidden love

Why do I love
Why can’t I hate

Eyes of the night
Can I see you?

Lips of the night


The pain of love
Is it the simple worry?


In this world we live in pain
We are the target

Chains of Love

As it is I sit here
To her presence I am drawn

i lay here across my bed
you are gone and it feels so dead...

the, night has come and you are gone


Someone Special
By Cody R. Byrne

I look upon her everyday

Someone Special
By Cody R. Byrne

I look upon her everyday

Kissed an angel

Have you kissed an angel?
Have you felt the beauty of their skin?

See The Light Oh Love

The one I love
Do you see me?


I promise
I will never hurt you

i love you
the next time we kiss i want it to go farther than ever before ill stop it at the right time but i want it to go as far as it can without us being stupid.
can i ask that?
i dont kno anymore i dont know what i want for us but i kno i love you

I paint a picture of love and hate.
It holds the golden key to the silver gate.
The black vines creep up the gray stone.
At the top of witch are spears of death.

I love you
The next time we kiss I want it to go farther than ever before ill stop it at the right time
But I want it to go as far as it can without us being stupid.
Can I ask that?

cody byrne Biography

chapter one the download well i was born in a middle class family a very large one at that at the age of three i moved to georgetown kentucky and started school then after being held back in first grade midway through second grade i moved back to owensboro started off on the wrong foot and became an out cast after that i spent the next 6 1/2 years on the outside cold and alone i started writing in seventh grade and wrote my first poem 'TO LOVE' after countless heart breaks and the pains of obsetion then i begane to write again around eigth grade and haent stoped sence. i wrote fan favorites 'SOMONE SPECIAL' 'CHAINS OF LOVE' 'KISSED AN ANGEL' 'FREE' AND 'I PROMISE' over the next three years so here i am a tenth grade out cast still pouring my love hate ego pain sadness and all other emotions into words becoming known to my few freinds as word-weaver and emily and i are still a-part but i hope we can get together one day. in the mean-time this is cody the tenth grade outcast. chapteer two new poems Hey readers i submited two new poems these are actually from the same insperation right now im feeling a little destressed i realy love emily however well she's with somone else and i dont kno how else to express myself other than through poetry itself i wrote to her throughh one maybe both of my new poems but i dont think she has read them. does anybody feel me? well in any case i hope you enjoy them. elo moto today i was very bored so i wrote as usuall i had a little trouble finding somthing to just write about so i called up emily and spok with her for awhile and wrote a new poem basicly about my forbidden love for her. however it wont be up tonight si i will need to get it up asap i hope you enjoy it just dont tell her about it ..... i dont want her to kno yet.... it's 'My Forbidden Love' shocker huh? well as it is adue untill a later morrow well fell ow readers im back with another poem this one i go thte insperation from a fellow poet i loved the way she wrote her poem it was everything that i would say in her words kindof freaky so i wrote a response in away to her poem but she probly hasent read it yet so im taking it back off to rewrite it i just now got anew idea for it but it willbe back tomorrow promise and i hope you like it and id read hers first hers is 'loves fool' and mine is finding loves fool ok ill fix it tonight and repost it tomarrow morning ok and dont tell my mom lol ok hm what else do i need to tell you? i thinkthats it so this is your favorite poet signing off bye ok im back only to bug you though i just reposted my other poems and i think you all should know ....... ha ha you htough i was going to tell you somthing sorry i had to say somthing weird its 12: 22 and im sleepy so idc when im tired i normally tell 100% truth and nothing else so if its late dont ask a realy akward question ok lol im soo tired i had an energy drink like five hours ago and all caffine and suger and anything else just puts me to sleep i dont get hyper im already hyper stop laughing it isnt funny i am ocd adhd and i think may have poor cerculation in my led plus i kno i have restless leg sindrome and im soo tired its not funny lets see what else to say dont worry this will all have been deleted by tomorrow lol ok i going to crashh now bye alright readedr this is more of ablog than a biography haha but i have resently submited a new poem and have dicided from now on if a poem is about a specific person ill put a freind but if i realy care about the person being writin i will put somone special my new poem is eys of the night it isnt my best work but it was a request from somone special so i think that they feel thet same way about me in a sence but im not one to make such conclusion so fast so i hope you like it never the less i have recently had acomment about me mixing thy thee thou with the new fashon of writing mixing modern and old is well its mei love some things about the past but i love a lot about the future to that make since? ? ? im fixing to make a semi-daily bio intry about my thoughts and feeling and god knows what else lol ok well that last entry was weird yeah im still working that out but i have submited anew poem i hoe your read it idk what to think anymore this was actually arequest so yeah my life is well odd now i thnk diffrently i lve passoinatly and i act maturely is this odd i dont kno but i cant think straight is this lov or some blind covering my eyes youd think as 16 year old kid id want well to explor ethings with a woman but i dont i want her you feel safe happy loved i want her to love me i want to feel her but in a socialy acceptable way what is the pain i have inside me it hurts i want to hold her i want to kiss her i want to love her but suddenly i dont want to have s.. with her right now i want to wait. wait untill what though... marraige its too early for that isnt it most of the fealing is relief but some of it is worry. worry that ill do somthing stupid what stoped me before? i dont kno if your read this i would love for you to send me a message telling me what you think more..... i dont understand the goverment the corruption the... the. i hate our gov. its stupid having a room full of people saying scratch that 2 rooms with diffrent people vetoing ar accepting the bills of our people its too easly corrupted too easly. then through the president we go! what are you thinking! you fools theres only one man that can govern our people and that is god but can we trust one man to deliver his message! no! we need three four five... the list goes on my freinds but where does it end! heres a catch it doesnt your fools! what the hell give so many peopl the right to argue what they think cause theyll twist it to somthing that it is not! we need anew system our system only lasts so long we are on the edge of our fall and no body is wanting to listen half of the time! the goverment is corrupt and thats the point thats doesnt need to be argued now your not all corrupt but you area all human. so what hope is there for our country i say we have one man in charge and only 12 people above him small people of god not well known that change every year that govern his desitions and can look out for the well being of the people how will they be chossen theyll all be small time minsisters pastors and religose leaders of all gods churches then they wont be chosen again unless we go through all the churches in the us and not all babtist but that and all of the other ways catholic jewish and so on so forth. but however they will be all chosen randomly for there social security number. is that so hard dthere we go if we could just put a system in wich is haredst to corrupt then maybe we can find a wayto keep america as the leading international contry hey guys im bak with afew words if you like read them lol well its been awhile since ive said anything but weeeeell i decided its high time i said somthng im cunfused forced to choose between my belief & love life and well my love life is whening i just cant et either of them straight i think i need to awe hell i dont have the slightest clue what to do any body that would like to help id apreciate it ugh im out latter)

The Best Poem Of cody byrne



As it is I sleep
In a nightmare within a nightmare

I dream deep
In a slumber unawakened

Set me free
The chains remain unseen

Set me free
I feel myself dying

Light up the world
Break the chains
Let me out
I will not be tamed

Your what I need
Your what I have
I remain unseen

Break away
Let me go

Ill die of starvation
Or of sufication

The chains are tight
The time is right
Im not alone

Save me
Let me go

Im made to fly
im going to die
I wont lie

I need you
I need you
I need you

Hell is my destination
I live for your glorification
Set me free o father
Let me come to you
Let me run to you

Break the chains and

Now I go to thee
Children to set them

By cody r. byrne

cody byrne Comments

I Am Me 22 November 2008

Its amazing how well you get it. Thanks for commenting on my poems. I think that you... well understand what poets try to get at. Be thankful not everyone can do that. Keep it up, Cake Pie

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