Coreena Dejesus Poems

Hit Title Date Added
03/17/2008 Leave The One You Love?

One day if he keeps this up he'll reach for her in the night,
Only to find a pillow, bearing her sweet scent.
Has his actions reached the point
That her love for him isn't meant?

03/19/2008 Love Lost Depressed

My heart belongs to someone I love,
Someone I constantly think of.
Strong woman don't cry not a tear,
Supposed to lock up show no fear.

Eyes Are The Key

Eyes tell it all,
Whether or not your,
Relationship is at a fall,
Everything to the core,

10/30/2007 Thoughts Run Deep

Every little text you send me I open with a smile,
All the moments we spend together are so worthwhile.
You have spoiled me with your kindness and charm,
The way you hold me so close in your arms.


Feelings of love the mind forbids,
Falling for a man taken with kids.
First man it was easy to open up to,
Capable of feeling this feeling again who knew!

03/26/2008 Mysteries Of The Broken Heart ♥

Look at her can you feel her pain,
The agony, the sorrow?
It grows stronger every tomorrow.

11/03/2007 Emotions

I feel so alone..why do I feel so distant?
Our lives are very inconsistent.
I long to have a closer relationship,
Every step I take further back we slip.

Spring-(Highschool Poetry)

The dream of spring,
The patches of flowers,
Sweet sound of birds singing,
the bright green grass,

Twas The Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas in the Command Post I sit,
I won't be a Scrooge I won't throw a fit,
The flight line is quiet not a peep nor a sound,
Security forces is the only other people around.

Cp- Broken Fridge

I was cold and kept your food,
One day someone defrosted my mood.
They chizzled away my frosty side,
They broke me and I died.

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