Crizza Mae Abao

Crizza Mae Abao Poems

A country so magnificent.
People so kind and full of happiness.
Nature so captivating.
Air so fresh, wind is whispering to your ear.

The Best Poem Of Crizza Mae Abao


A country so magnificent.
People so kind and full of happiness.
Nature so captivating.
Air so fresh, wind is whispering to your ear.

But behind those positive sides,
Negative will always be there.
A gloominess country.
Full of criminals fleeing like a bat.
Corruption is always present,
Drug Dealers and Drug Pushers are not absent.

A country so mysterious,
That some people don't know.
My only vision for this country;
No criminals
End the corruption and
No drug dealers and drug pushers
To have a successful and peaceful country like an eagle soaring high.

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