Curtis Johnson Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I Still Do

The Orchestra And Me

I had a dream last night. It was very concise but interesting. Rather revelatory, but not prophetic in the usual way.
There was a class with a facilitator encouraging input based on a lesson plan provided to the class.
I, a student, was filled with more than a little anxiety as I awaited my turn to weigh in on the class discussion.
Staring at the lesson sheet, I saw pictures only, but no words. The pictures spoke volumes without

100 Years From Now

Wide-eyed and more focused than an eagle today, I can see tomorrow because I'm looking at yesterday. If nothing else, yesterday has taught me that tomorrow will be a little like today because today has many features of both yesterday and tomorrow. On the other hand, multiply a year's worth of tomorrows by 100 years, and you are sure to get barely a recognizable brave new world. Yesterday has a mind of its own; yet I sometimes plead for it to let go of me, to stop binding me, to stop blinding me, so that I can find me and leave yesterday far behind me.

Looking forward 100 years through the corridors of time, I clearly see matters of Artificial Intelligence, Food supplies, and Guns.I'm observing the problems of Health and Population Control. And lastly, I'm questioning the issues of Robots and Transportation. Oh indeed, I see an endless array of struggles for survival, far more than 7, but I must limit the scope of this piece lest I upset this my present peace.


Flee this sinful snare like the plague
Overcoming it easily is not an option
Respect it for its persuasive power and pull
Never give it's magic a chance to entice you

I Shall Return

I Shall Return

I hear the sound of Autumn speaking to us all
As the leaves patiently wait to fall

Ode To A Great American President

You had a belief system developed over many yearsand an honorable philosophy tested by experience and timeYou led the way rather than join the fastest most popular bandwagon.You believed that the latest polls were designed for information, notfor adjustments of your God-fearing opinions and the political slaughtering of your opponant.Because of what you did yesterday, I believe in tomorrow.

Your were believable and earned your trust. I felt safer, prouder, more confident, and certain.Perhaps there are certain inborn feelings of hope and faith,but your presence and tenure harbored a sense of well-being.Such canopies of excitement about the future have been breached. You didn't draw lines in the sand; you simply did what you said.When you forewarned interest groups about taking certain actions, there were swift followthroughs that set a new tone of action about leadership.I was 30 when you were elected to be the president of the USA, and never had I felt more secure in my country, confident that you would act appropriately when called upon to do so. Because of what you did yesterday, we will survive today.

Gains And Loses

When your questions far exceed your answers by incalculable margins; When your hope-filled dreams of "Yes" in neon brights quickly turn into
a dark and nightmarish pit filled with "No! "; When you have invested precious energy, quality time, and a heart-full of passion to endeavors
you are most passionate about; And when it seems that the seeds you planted never took root and came to fruitition, take stock and
remember that there are no lasting loses but only eternal gainsin a life lived and in things done for the Lord.

Locked Up, A Conversation

Wife:"We got to talk. There are things we seem to pass over and never resolve". Husband:"What do you mean? " Wife:"It seems we can go on and on, never talking." Husband:"Talking? "he replied, pretending to be clueless.

The wife explained,"I mean about us, about our marriage, our intimacy, our relationship.I don't mean sports, politics, news, church, children, finances, the house, or the car."

The Tommy And Mollie Conners Story

Jolly Polly Sue Conners was her name and she came
from the grand old town found just outside of Harvest Oak
deep in the backwoods of Maine called Mattie Blue Junction.*
She came from a rather large family with a loving mom and dad

The Sin Question

"Let him who is without sin cast the first stone", said The Master. Her accusers walked away, leaving the offender alone with The Master. Like our own, the sins of David are more than meets the eye, and I suspect if walls could talk, all the universe would cry. But God has been known to highlight certain sins for the record of man. We are then left without excuse, and all the world can clearly understand.

David's sin of adultery with Bathsheba reveals the problem of LUST, and adultery follows lust like hunger pains before a forbidden meal. David's sin of murder against Uriah reveals the problem of FEAR, and fear is often the antecedent and driving force of murder.

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