Cynthia Buhain-baello Poems

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Hey Mind Your Own Business

Mind your own business and you stay healthy.
Indulging yourself with the affairs of others
Is not productive and makes you rather cranky.

When Eagles Fall

They will fall and not know why
Disaster ruled their treasured land.

As Truth and Faith was set to die

It Takes Courage To Keep Our Democracy - Rhyme Royal

Risk is great in the absence of Justice
There will be chaos and we have no Peace.

The rule of law is nowhere to be found


Truth lives,
It does not sway.
Stands firm like a tall tree
Through storms and pounding winds it stays

The Moon Was A Giant Pearl Last Night

The Moon was a giant pearl last night
That hang from a brilliant chain of stars.
Its brightness glowed in a covering light,
I tried to reach for it, it was too far.

Experience Proves Belief

Belief is only unproven theory
Commonly found in the human mind.
While all men have beliefs, certainly -
Not all are true, this fact we find.

Too Much Darkness

Too much of darkness lace the poem,
Loss and confusion drain the lines.
Reading it seems Defeat has come
Upon me as I searched for what it defines.

The Word"Delete"

You know the word "delete"
Is rather final and complete.
It's like showing fake friends
Out the door marked "Exit".

You Hear Me When I Pray

When darkness overwhelms me
And mockers negate words I say,
Your Presence holds me faithfully
And You hear me when I pray.

When We Close Our Eyes

When we close our eyes
And pretend all is well,
We condone the lies
That our leaders tell.

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