Cynthia Buhain-baello Poems

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Kites Still Fly (Ottava Rima Poem)

Carefree paper kites soar with childhood dreams
Still in my mind a distant merriment,
Echoes of our laughter and glee it seems
Return with their lost mirth and enchantment.

Giver Of The Pen (Ottava Rima Stanza Poem)

My writing is like an essential food
That I need to take in like a deep breath,
Words on a blank page to be understood
By a reader, like a feast he can get.

No Angel

I am no angel and I don't pretend,
When provoked, there is rage inside me.
It sort of comes out to seek amends
When the weak is treated unjustly.

Thirty Ninth Lash Of The Whip

They tied Him on a pillar
As if He would try to escape
His destiny foretold before birth
They tore off His clothes, took His cape.


In war, to lose one's life
That is a noble thing.

There is a valid reason

He Said He Wants To Be A Woman

'Just let me go!
God made a mistake-
It's what I know
This love is fake! '

A Mother's Work (Nonet)

Their invisible bond never ends
Life cord that ties child to mother
Love connects, as she attends
Unselfish tender care

Wealth (Nonet Poetry Form)

Though I may not have many assets
My simple dwelling not that grand
My luxuries in life scarce
Work feeds the needs at hand

The Hooded Man With The Sickle

The hooded man with the sickle
He comes without invitation
He drops in on all kinds of people
And takes them with no hesitation.

Heart Content

When the tongue is used as a whip
Through toxic words that rage
The heart is revealed from those lips,
And the venom's released from its cage.

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