Cynthia Buhain-baello Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Those Who Copy Murder Poetry

Unkind are those
Who disrespect
Their fellow writers' work,

Save Poemhunter From Pollution

Save Poemhunter from pollution
As many here write with great slime
Using words that lack discretion
Their profanity is such a crime.

Burning Words Cut Love Cords

Weighed down
By burning words

They sound

A Man Reaps What He Sows

Careless intent reaps much discord
And many a time, it harvests offense

A bitter root grows from our words

Speech Reflects The Home

Speech reflects the Home
And a man will show his worth
What kind of family he came from
As his words of mouth come forth.

Struck At The Core

You hurt and so are angry
For I have thus struck at the core

I can read your life like poetry

For Curse Speakers/Writers

Your words deflect
Return to you
And shower devastation

With Pity

With pity I shall view
Your life and all you do

Your words are laced with wrong

Curses And Malice

Curses and malice go together
Like marital partners they sashay

And like dirty words they are forever

When Danes Slaughter Dolphins

Whatever could have been their sin?
These creatures slain, these dolphins?
Massacred and killed for a despicable sign
Of manhood, adulthood, what insane design!

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