Cyprian Kamil Norwid

Cyprian Kamil Norwid Poems

Tenderness - is like a cry full of war;
And like the current of whispering springs,
And like a funeral march...

Today authors are like God :
They breathe and a masterpiece is born,
The heavy plough soars in winged flight,
Toil is mere game!

Give me a blue ribbon - I will hand it back
Without delay...
Or give me your shadow with your supple neck;
No! not the shadow.

Those who say my country means
Meadows, flowers and fields of wheat,
Hamlets and trenches, must confess
These are her feet.

The past , death and pain are not acts of God,
But of law-breaking man,
Who therefore lives in dread
And sensing evil, wants oblivion !

If instead of windows so amply
Frozen to precious stones we had
A few statues against azure skies,

Tao much has been written and said both in Poland and abroad regarding the inferiority of women for anyone still to engage with this formal paradox. The philosopher Trentowski raises this assumption to critical respectability when he says that, 'All women sew and cook, yet when we need a well-sewn garment or a good dinner, we choose a tailor or a chef, and not a seamstress or a cook.'

Tell her - what?... Ah,! win her admiration
With not much to say;

- Why ride away, Shadow, hands broken on the mail,
Sparks of torches playing around your knees -?

Narcissus, reflecting a satisfied face,
Cried, 'Let everyone note :

Commanders valiant, armies fully trained,
Police : male, female, uniformed and plain,

Praise of living virtuous men
Is like praising God himself,
And good news received with love
Is like the Ghost in Mary's womb.

The Sphinx barred my way in a dark cave
Ever hungry for truths

Wouldn't you be bored when a million
Silent stars shine around the world,
Each cluster sparkling in a different mould,
All still - yet flying?


…God sees all ­
'How can
God's eye endure ugliness all round ?'

Above the house of Capulet and Montague,
Thunder-moved washed in dew,
Heaven's gentle eye

How few people there are and even fewer
Longing to reveal themselves!… They pass, they pass
They push each other away while dancing,

Only through solitary wars
Are future readers won;
You will neither dwell in halls
In the Temple of your choice,

As when, silently, to surprise,
You throw violets in his eyes...


Yesterday I went to a place
Where people die of hunger;
Inspecting tomb-like rooms
I slipped on an unpredicted stair!

Cyprian Kamil Norwid Biography

Cyprian Kamil Norwid, a.k.a. Cyprian Konstanty Norwid ( September 24, 1821– May 23, 1883) is a nationally esteemed Polish poet, dramatist, painter, and sculptor. He was born in the Masovian village of Laskowo-Głuchy near Warsaw. Norwid is regarded as one of the second generation of romantics. He wrote many well-known poems including Fortepian Szopena ("Chopin's Piano"), Moja piosnka ("My Song ") and Bema pamięci żałobny-rapsod ("A Funeral Rhapsody in Memory of General Bem"). Norwid led a tragic and often poverty-stricken life (once he had to live in a cemetery crypt). He experienced increasing health problems, unrequited love, harsh critical reviews, and increasing social isolation. He lived abroad most of his life, especially in London and in Paris, where he died. Norwid’s original and non-conformist style was not appreciated in his lifetime and partially due to this fact, he was excluded from high society. His work was only rediscovered and appreciated during the Young Poland art period of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. He is now considered one of the four most important Polish Romantic poets. Other literary historians, however, consider this an over-simplification, and regard his style to be more characteristic of classicism and parnassianism.)

The Best Poem Of Cyprian Kamil Norwid


Tenderness - is like a cry full of war;
And like the current of whispering springs,
And like a funeral march...


And like a long plait of golden hair
On which a widower wears
A silver watch - - -

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