Daleen Enslinstrydom Poems

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Under The Shade Of The Big Old Oak Tree

Under the shade of the old oak tree Jafta sit
and his mind wanders back as he reflects on his life
while the sun sets in the west.
He is overcome with sorrow to braking point,

What Happiness Means

Happiness is so different
to each and everyone
and to you it’s probably
all the things that money can buy,

The Hands Of A Farmer

I have known those hands all of my life
and many times I have looked at those hands,
at big rough hands that worked the fields
and calluses in their palms tell a own story

A Female Friend

A good friend makes life easier
when destiny covers you with a dark blanket
and you have got nowhere to hide
she is there with a cup of tea

She Looks Like An Angel

With the sun’s golden rays
shining through the window
she is still asleep
with her blonde curly hair spread like a fan

Mom, You Are More Than Just A Mother’s Day Mother

Mom, you are more than just a mother’s day mother,
you are the one that really do understand
all of the things that goes on in a child’s heart
as you were a child too

Difficult To Understand

When the sorrows of this world
is sprayed like graffiti on the walls of your heart
and it screams out in silence
to every passer by

Will Somebody Pleas Take Me?

She sits on the porch
early in the morning
just as the sun breaks through some clouds
after a stormy night

Unknown Life-Journey

Joy and sadness goes hand in hand
on life’s journey to somewhere,

promises and fulfilment


Obsession is not a word
to describe my fascination with chocolates.

Milk chocolates that melt in you mouth

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