Dali garcia

Dali garcia Poems


I am a poet writing of my pain.
I am a person living a life of shame.
I am a daughter or friend hidding my depression.
I am your sister making a good impression.

its tough to be a teenager. no one really knows.
what the pressure is like in school.
this is how it goes.

I never thought
we'd say goodbye.
next time I see you
ill say 'hi'

I cant be
who you want me
to be.
Why cant you see


Breathing here in y room alone,
Remembering how you walked out the door.
Whenyou went deep in the ocean, and you left me in the shore.
How you were up and ready, but you forgot you left me on the floor.

I hate it
when you can make me smile
and you can make
me mad even from a mile.

(You) tell yourselfit
will nevr happen to you
and when it does,
you'll think it's untrue.

Never ever
will I belong
I'm never right,
I'm always wrong.

When you see her
you don't see me.
She's a different person,
or at least she's trying to be.


If I wake up in the morning
and the hurting is so great.
I don't want to get out of bed
and face a world of hate.

Here's to the friend that you've outgrown,
the ones whose name is left unknown.
The one who whiped away your tears,
and sought to hold your hand.

I have a boyfriend,
and he's very sweet.
During the bad times
he listens to me.

Have you ever lived my life,
spent one minute in my shoes?
If you haven't then tell me why
you judge me as you do?

My knees start to shake,
when you're in sight.
My mind filled with wonder,
my heart with fright.

I don't care
if you change
because you'll still be
the same.

I stay in line,
then I cry,
you stay by my side,
then I confide.

Don't try to fix me
No! don't even.
Im not broken, but my heart
is a little bit beaten.

You are the one who cared
when others thought I was crazy,
you are the one who was there,
when my soul was lazy.

Today I met a great new friend,
who knew me right away,
it was funny how she understood,
all I had to say.

I ask myself why
where you that guy
that was always by my side
and made me feel like I could fly,

Dali garcia Biography

im not very good at biographies, especially mine but I can tell you a lil' bit about myself.I've been breathing since '94, im 14 and im a freshie at morton.Im not the brightest crayon in the crayon box but im smart when it counts. I don't look like a poet or talk like one but I can sorta write like one. I write mostly about sad stuff so you won't see rainbows, unicorns, bunnies and stuff like that mentioned in my poems. so yeah that's who I am. comment away at my poems, and truly be honest.)

The Best Poem Of Dali garcia

I Am

I am a poet writing of my pain.
I am a person living a life of shame.
I am a daughter or friend hidding my depression.
I am your sister making a good impression.
I am your friend acting like i'm fine.
I am a wisher wishing this life weren't mine.
I am a girl who thinks of suicide.
I am a teenager pushing my tears aside.
I am a student who doesn't have a clue.
I am the girl sitting next to you.
I am the one asking you to care.
I am your friend hoping you'll be there.

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