Dante Gabriel Rossetti Poems

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Sonnet Xxxvi: Life-In-Love

Not in thy body is thy life at all,
But in this lady's lips and hands and eyes;
Through these she yields thee life that vivifies

Sonnet Xxii: Heart's Haven

Sometimes she is a child within mine arms,
Cowering beneath dark wings that love must chase,—
With still tears showering and averted face,

Sonnet Xlv: Secret Parting

Because our talk was of the cloud-control
And moon-track of the journeying face of Fate,
Her tremulous kisses faltered at love's gate

La Bella Mano

O BELLA Mano, che ti lavi e piaci
In quel medesmo tuo puro elemento
Donde la Dea dell' amoroso avvento
Nacque, (e dall' onda s'infuocar le faci

Sonnet Lxviii: A Dark Day

The gloom that breathes upon me with these airs
Is like the drops which strike the traveller's brow
Who knows not, darkling, if they bring him now

Sonnet Lxxxvii: Death's Songsters

When first that horse, within whose populous womb
The birth was death, o'ershadowed Troy with fate,
Her elders, dubious of its Grecian freight,

On Certain Elizabethan Revivals

O RUFF-EMBASTIONED vast Elizabeth,
Bush to these bushel-bellied casks of wine,
Home-growth, 'tis true, but rank as turpentine—

Sonnet Xcv: The Vase Of Life

Around the vase of Life at your slow pace
He has not crept, but turned it with his hands,
And all its sides already understands.

Sonnet Xli : Through Death To Love

Like labour-laden moonclouds faint to flee
From winds that sweep the winter-bitten wold,—
Like multiform circumfluence manifold



All beauty to pourtray,
Therein his duty lay,

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