Dante Gabriel Rossetti Poems

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Sonnets Lvi:Lvii: Lviii: True Woman

To be a sweetness more desired than Spring;
A bodily beauty more acceptable

Pandora (For A Picture)

WHAT of the end, Pandora? Was it thine,
The deed that set these fiery pinions free?
Ah! wherefore did the Olympian consistory

At The Station Of The Versailles Railway

I WAITED for the train unto Versailles.
I hung with bonnes and gamins on the bridge
Watching the gravelled road where, ridge with ridge,

Mary Magdalene At The Door Of Simon The Pharisee.

“WHY wilt thou cast the roses from thine hair?
Nay, be thou all a rose,—wreath, lips, and cheek.
Nay, not this house,—that banquet-house we seek;

Between Ghent And Bruges

AH yes, exactly so; but when a man
Has trundled out of England into France
And half through Belgium, always in this prance

Sonnet Xi: The Love-Letter

Warmed by her hand and shadowed by her hair
As close she leaned and poured her heart through thee,
Whereof the articulate throbs accompany

Sonnet Xxxii: Equal Troth

Not by one measure mayst thou mete our love;
For how should I be loved as I love thee?—
I, graceless, joyless, lacking absolutely

Sonnet Xxxvii: The Love-Moon

'When that dead face, bowered in the furthest years,
Which once was all the life years held for thee,
Can now scarce bid the tides of memory

Sonnet Xiv: Youth's Spring-Tribute

On this sweet bank your head thrice sweet and dear
I lay, and spread your hair on either side,
And see the newborn woodflowers bashful-eyed

Sonnet Lx: Transfigured Life

As growth of form or momentary glance
In a child's features will recall to mind
The father's with the mother's face combin'd,—

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